Do You Need a Journal Jar?

The text "do you need a journal jar? (Probably)" is in a tan graphic. Behind the graphic is a jar with pink scrolls.

Last year, I saw a YouTube creator post about the benefits of having a Journal Jar. I’ve long since lost the video, but the idea stuck with me. What is a Journal Jar and why does it work so well? I’ve done a lot of research about them since then.

If you’re curious like I was, here is your one-stop-shop introduction to Journal Jars.

What is a Journal Jar Exactly?

A Journal Jar is a method of randomizing the prompts you answer every day. Prompts are written on slips of paper and folded into a jar. After that, you can randomly pull out a slip whenever the writing bug hits you.

So often, we end up writing on topics that feel safe. This is fine, but it is no more helpful than free writing. When we want to write for wellness, we need structure. We need a push to write about the hard stuff.

But Journal Jars get around that instinct. Instead of writing what feels safe, you write towards fate. Think of it like a daily tarot reading – just with a prompt instead of an answer.

the twist part of a mason jar

Why Bother with Journal Prompts?

When I said, “no better than free writing”, I didn’t mean to shade free writing. Releasing the weight of the day is so helpful! I often wring my brain with a free write session.

But here’s the thing. There is stress relief and stress prevention. Prompts help us achieve prevention while free writing gives us that relief. BOTH are necessary to stay healthy and happy. Prevention, though, is pretty gosh darn good.  

Prompts give us precise insight and focus. You can use that for all kinds of future planning, boundary setting, and more. This gives you the long-term ability to craft wellness into your life. What a joy!

Personally? I aim to switch between free writing and a prompt every other day. Sometimes, when the mood strikes, I do both in one day. You? You should experiment with what works. Everyone has a different balance.

But balance is key.

A person's hand writes in a journal. The person is wearing jeans and sitting on grass

Does it Need to be Fancy?

Short answer, no. Long answer, absolutely not.

Like anything I will suggest on this blog, you get to decide if it is more artsy or utilitarian. I’ve seen people make a Journal Jar out of a used sauce jar and some plain printer paper (by people, I mean my past self).

But I’ve also seen people make it super cute. Maybe use color coded scrolls, origami stars, ribbons, you name it.

At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself “do I want this to be a stress relieving art project OR a stress free tool”? Either way you will benefit.

A woman in tan pants, white shirt, and red vest opens a clean sauce jar.

How Can I Get Started!?!

Well, aren’t you in luck.

Write Your Wellness is releasing the first freebie of 2023!  

Starting today, sign up for the WYW Newsletter and get a free Journal Jar Filler Kit with 28 Self Love Prompts. These prompt slips are perfect for anyone who wants a cute Journal Jar without folding a million origami stars (but don’t let that stop you if you dream of stars)!

Let’s say self-love isn’t what you need to work on just yet. No problem! Next month, I will release a series of Journal Jar Filler Kits that focus on trust, anger, and anxiety. I am honestly so excited to share them with you all! 


** Update: this item is no longer in shop