Your Ultimate Journaling Guide for 3rd Quarter 2024

A brunette woman (the author) sits on a grey couch with a bright yellow journal. She is smiling and looking at the camera. There are a few house plants in the background.

Ah, yes. Brat Summer is upon us. It’s fun, fast, and a wild good time. That said…how’s your journal routine looking? A few months ago, we explored some personal organization journal prompts that are great for a quarterly check-up. But 3rd Quarter 2024 needs something different.

Your journal is likely begging for you to slow down. So, clear your schedule, grab an un-caffeinated beverage, and get cozy. We’re about to talk about *balance*.

Why 3rd Quarter 2024 is Different

Let’s face it. The world is stressful right now. There’s so much happening in the news when everyone’s social calendar is at its peak. The girlies are exhausted.

By all means, do a legit quarterly check-up. It’s never a bad idea to touch base with your year-long goals every couple of months. At the same time, true personal organization means doing what you can to prevent burnout. That’s why 3rd Quarter 2024 needs a new direction. Before planning how you can push ahead with every goal, you need to take stock of your energy levels.

Tips for Slowing Down This Quarter

If you are one of the rare few who feel totally content with the pace of their life – amazing. Unfortunately, statistics say most of us are stressed. One study done by the software isolved reported that 65% of employees experienced burnout in 2023. Yikes.

As adults, we may not get a full summer vacation anymore. But that doesn’t mean we can take a lesson from our childhoods and slow things down for a little bit. I know it’s easier said than done, but your journal can help! Here’s how.

Take a Look at Your Planner

A picture of a bullet journal plan called the "overheated plan". It organizes tasks by importance.

If you want to really cool down in 3rd Quarter 2024, you need to see the big picture. The Write Your Wellness system, Motivation Menus, is a great tool for that.

Basically, Motivation Menus plan your week by life areas. All the work stuff goes under one header, all errands under another, etc. Once you’re finished, you’ll be able to easily spot which part of your life is dominating.

What you do next is up to you. If you need to push a little at work, that’s fine. Just make sure you are making reasonable sacrifices elsewhere. Or, better yet, see if your boss can lighten your workload. Whatever you decide, knowledge is power. You can’t find balance in your day-to-day if you don’t fully understand what’s taking all your attention. There’s no better use for your planner/ journal.

Saving is Self-Care

There’s nothing wrong with splurging a little to enjoy the nice weather. Keyword: “a little bit”. It’s not top of mind now, but the holiday season is coming soon. Your wallet will thank you if you make the effort to spend mindfully during 3rd quarter 2024.

Don’t worry, to make sure you find that perfect blend of “treat yourself” and responsibility, check out this list of 61 de-influencing prompts. Only you know what the right balance is for your spending habits. Your journal can help you discover what feels best.

People Pleasers Anon

Raise your hand if you’ve ever said yes to a summer function while every part of your being was screaming “no”. To everyone with their hand up, you need to spend time journaling about people pleasing in 3rd quarter 2024.

The golden rule is to never say yes if you’re unsure. Trust, everyone benefits when you delay your RSVP instead of re-neg it or *gasp* ghost the event.

While you definitely knew that already, setting boundaries is NOT easy. But your heart, soul, and wallet need you to be honest [see Saving is Self-Care]. For those that need a deep dive into journaling for people pleasers, read through this scary honest guide. Bonus, there is a podcast episode attached!

A graphic is cut in two. At the top, there is a dandelion yellow background with bronze unreadable handwriting. The bottom half is all white with text reading "the people pleasers golden rule: Never say yes if you are unsure". Its a mantra for 3rd quarter 2024.

Get Vitamin D (While You Still Can)

Not everyone is blessed with year-round sunshine. Some of us really only get sun (and the vitamin D that comes with it) during the Summer. With all that’s going on in the world, it is 1000% necessary to catch as many rays as you can during 3rd quarter 2024. Your December self will thank you.

You don’t need to travel around the world to go outside. In fact, you don’t even need to leave your backyard. All you need a is nice grounding journal prompt and a bit of green space. The best part? It costs absolutely nothing.

Do Nothing Days

Speaking of nothing, have you cleared your schedule for a do-nothing day this summer? This is absolutely key to getting that summer vacation feel. Everyone, no matter their age, needs a day with zero plans.

Wake up whenever, abandon your chores list, and follow your imagination all day. There is no better way to reconnect with your inner child than a proper day off. You know you need it. Heck, you could probably use 2 or 3.

A yellow tulip growing out of the soil.