
A laptop sits on a table. Sun is shining on it. There are a stack of journals on the side.

I would love to hear from you! Please contact me via email at [email protected]. My inbox is
always open! 

I try to get to every email in a prompt manner. I promise. However, due to my current schedule, I cannot guarantee a fast response. I check my email account once a day Mondays through Fridays. 

Need a quicker response? Need a response on the weekend? It’s easier to contact me through Instagram. Send a DM to @WriteYourWellness and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

** Please Note: Check your Spam folder if you don’t see a submission email **

Frequently Asked Questions

I am new to journaling, how can I get started?

When do you post?

·       You can expect a new blog post every Monday morning. However, I’m always active on social media! Check out the WYW Instagram (new posts everyday but Sunday). If you’re more into Pinterest, I post there often too.

What journals do you recommend?

  • I plan on writing recommendation posts soon! For now, just use the journal you’ve had lying around for forever. I know you have one.

Can we read your journals? 

  • Nope. What I write here is polished and edited. My journal is private and messy. I think all journals should be private and messy. Maybe one day I will brave the criticism and share an excerpt or two. Otherwise, this blog is not a diary

Speaking of Emails, Get The WYW Newsletter

If you want someone to contact YOU every week about journaling and how to write your wellness, sign up for our community’s weekly newsletter. Each week, you’ll hear about the latest blog posts and freebies. You’ll also get a secret bonus journal prompt that is only available when you join the newsletter. What are you waiting for?