Journaling for Productivity? You Need Better Boundaries!

A person is sitting at a desk with their face off camera. All we can see are a pair of hands holding a smartphone while a desktop sits in the background. Perhaps the person is journaling for productivity on a digital app or doom scrolling on Instagram.

Now, you might be thinking, ā€œhow is Allie gonna tell ME about journaling for productivity? Her last post came out 7 months agoā€. Trust me. I totally get it. Here I am trying to promote journaling for productivity and I havenā€™t visibly produced anything for quite some time.

Key word, ā€œvisiblyā€.

Sometimes, productivity is quiet. There are so many things you can do to be productive that arenā€™t related to your career, social media, or optics. Heck, this is a blog about journaling for wellness. We know that self-reflection is productive! So is sitting with hard feelings like grief. If you donā€™t agree with me, might I suggest ā€œJournaling for People Pleasersā€.

2023 was the year that I truly learned that ā€œproductivity is personalā€. At the end of the day, all that matters is that YOU feel proud of what YOU have done. This is easier said than done. Your family may want you to achieve in one way and your boss certainly wants you to achieve in another. Social pressure and norms make defining your own sense of productivity really, really difficult.

Thatā€™s where boundaries come in. Stay tuned, because I’m sharing a cure-all freebie to get you building strong goals with even stronger boundaries.

Wait, Define ā€œBoundaryā€

Before we can talk about journaling for productivity, we need to understand boundaries. To do that, we need to understand what boundaries actually are and why most of us have such weak boundaries to begin with.

The term ā€œBoundariesā€ definitely falls into the pop-psychology buzz word category. To be honest, a lot of people abuse it.Ā  First, letā€™s clear the air by saying what boundaries are not. Boundaries are NOT…

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Rules that other people are required to follow

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Implicit things that other people should ā€œjust knowā€

Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  A threat to healthy personal relationships

According to a handout created by Therapist Aid for UC Berkely, a personal boundaries are the ā€œlimits and rules we set for ourselves within relationshipsā€. Two very important things stick out in that definition.

You Set Your Boundaries

First, this definition insists that ā€œwe setā€ our boundaries. Many people suffer from weak boundaries because they are waiting on other people to set them. The inner child aspect of ourselves desperately wants to know what the rules are so we can be good. But adults have to get to set their own rules and limits. If you are waiting for someone to tell you if something is or isnā€™t okay, someone will take advantage. Why bother journaling for productivity if people are stealing all Ā that energy and time?

(Only) You Can Protect Your Boundaries

Second, boundaries are only ā€œfor ourselvesā€. No one is obligated to listen to your boundaries. Itā€™s a heavy truth, so I will repeat it. No one is obligated to listen to your boundaries. Setting a boundary is the easy part. Defending your own limits is incredibly hard. Once you set a boundary, it is your job to act like it matters. That means walking away from disrespectful conversations no matter who you are talking to. That means not conforming to expectations even if youā€™ve caved in before.

When people ignore these key facts about boundaries, that absolutely lose sight of the plot. People pleasers will betray themselves and grow incredibly resentful. More selfish people will lash out when others donā€™t take their wants as law. Both groups will label themselves the Victim.

A dictionary page with the word "boundary" is torn in half. The rip goes straight through the word "boundary".

How are Boundaries Related to Productivity?

The moment you label yourself the Victim, you forfeit your innate power, self-trust, and motivation. You abandon everything that allows you to be truly productive.

On top of that, your energy is a finite and precious resource. Weak boundaries mean that anyoneā€”no matter their intentionā€” can waltz right in and spend your energy how they please. Uh, uh. Not in 2024.

Weā€™re all told about ā€œabsolute productivityā€. This myth tells you that there is only one version of success, and every other life path is a total failure. Maybe you were told that your career options were doctor, lawyer, or engineer. Sometimes absolute productivity sounds like ā€œplay nice so no one gets upsetā€ or ā€œstay late, we want team players at this companyā€.

See how this myth forces you to betray your own boundaries?

Imagine what it would look like to say ā€œnoā€ to absolute productivity. How much more time would you have to work towards personal goals? Do you even know what those personal goals are? When you buy in to the myth of absolute productivity, there is rarely any space for your true self.

If this sounds like you, be kind to yourself. Society tries hard to convince you to sacrifice your personal definition of productivity. But in 2024, we are working harder. We are going to start journaling for productivity (*real* productivity) by armoring up with strong, undefeatable boundaries.

Making Your Boundaries Work for Your Productivity

I canā€™t gate keep it any longer. While I was being personally productive behind-the-scenes this year, I made a little something-something to build better boundaries. The Balance Life Blueprint Worksheet walks you through every single step of the personal productivity process. Bonus, itā€™s completely free when you sign up to the email list (just saying…).

This blueprint works because it follows a simple formula: Personal Success = Personal ( Goals + Values + Boundaries). You can do the math by following theĀ  B..U.I.L.D. model


What boundaries are you willing to set (and defend) with others? Remember, you are ultimately in charge with the follow through and other people are fully within their right to not follow along. For example, this might look like ā€œI need to tell my boss that I will no longer respond to emails on the weekends and then turn off email notifications if necessaryā€ not ā€œmy boss just needs to accept that I am no longer answering emails and if they don’t listen my only choice is to pout”.


Youā€™ve probably already criticized yourself enough for ā€œnot being more productiveā€. Take a moment to be kind to yourself. Ask yourself how you got in this situation using radical compassion. A little understanding goes a long way when it comes to motivation.

Insight to Now

Ā Why now? More specifically, why are you choosing to pursue this goal at this exact moment? Our dreams may be big but our energy is limited. In order to achieve every dream you have, you need to be incredibly intentional about which dreams you pursue when how much energy you can *actually* give. Budget yourself wisely!

Limits with Self

Your energy is precious and limited. That said, it is so important to be picky about the promises we make. But before you learn to say ā€œnoā€ to other people, you need to learn to say ā€œnoā€ to yourself. And no, this doesnā€™t mean that you just have to force yourself into discipline. Quite the opposite! When that nagging urge to be a perfectionist calls, say no. Let yourself give a work project 80% effort so you have time to do your hobbies, workout, eat better, etc. This is the best way to keep the promises you make to yourself (aka the most important promises in your life).

Daily Routines

Ā Big wins are great, but they arenā€™t possible if your routine is whacky. Make sure that your day-to-day habits are aligned with what you truly want out of life. Want to eat better? Plan your meals. Want to be an accomplished poet? Write every day. Whatever your goals are, there are little ways to support yourself everyday.

We love an on theme acronym, donā€™t we?Ā 

The B.U.I.L.D. acronym is visually shown in colorful letters over a a blue graph paper background with sketches of gears. It outlines how to journal for productivity through boundaries.

When People Donā€™t Listen to Your Boundaries

ā€œBut Allie,ā€ you cry into whatever screen youā€™re reading this on, ā€œitā€™s isnā€™t so simple!ā€ Sometimes there are real consequences when other people donā€™t support your personal boundaries. It is an incredibly difficult thing to cut somebody out of your life.

Whoa, pause. Please do not take this blog post as a sign to burn down all of your personal relationships.

Sure, defending your boundaries is complicated and a little bit ugly. You need your boss to willingly sign your paycheck. You want the comfort of your momā€™s loving support. These are valid and human things to want ā€“ we are social animals, after all.

So what is a journaler to do when someone they love is forcibly stepping over the line again and again? Donā€™t worry, there are some journaling for productivity prompts coming up. But before we get into our journal, it is important to remember ā€“ you are in charge of your life. Your aspects and values may clash, but you are always in control of your behavior.

Think of it as a Creative Challenge!

Donā€™t doubt your own creativity. When faced with an over stepper, it is important to recognize why they are important to you (valid) and what core need ultimately needs to be defended (also very valid). After that, you are allowed to come up with any solution that honors both things. This is what it actually means to journal for productivity. Remember, no one gets to set your boundaries for you.

And if they still wiggle their way past your boundaries, you try again and again. And, yes, again. Stay firm with one solution or come up with another. The choice is fully yours. Do this until something sticks or you personally feel the need to do something more severe like fully cutting the person out of your life. Also, donā€™t forget to feel every feeling that comes up as you do this exhausting process. All emotions here are justifiable.

By the end of this process, pat yourself on the back. Because knowing your boundaries and fully defending them should always, always be your number one goal. Howā€™s that for jump starting your productivity with better boundaries?

Journaling For Productivity

Itā€™s been way too long since youā€™ve gotten some Write Your Wellness journal prompts. Trust me, I have been itching to share some! But, before you open that journal, be sure to grab your free copy of the Balanced Life Blueprint Worksheet by signing up for the WYW newsletter. Every single prompt listed below ā€œbuildsā€ on all the good stuff in there (pun intended).

Productivity Prompts

When journaling for productivity, it is helpful to use prompts such as:

1. Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Have I actually said my boundaries out loud to the people who most need to hear them? If yes, how did it go? If no, why not?

2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  What area of life have I been neglecting and why?

3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Why am I so worried to set X,Y,ZĀ  boundary? Why might it be worth the risk?

4.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Whose voice do I hear in my head when I struggle to defend my boundaries?

5.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Who do I feel is taking advantage of my time, energy, and resources? How have I tried to address this?

6.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  In a perfect world where my definition of productivity is fully realized, what would life look like?

7.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  How has the myth of absolute productivity guided my life choices so far? Has it served me well in any way?

8.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  What goals feel hopeless right now? What would it look like to regain hope?

A wooden art dummy sits in the middle of a row of dominos. The figure has it's arms out -- stopping the chain reaction of falling dominos. It serves as a boundary.

Now What?

It is one thing to set a boundary and another thing to keep it. You are going to need to keep that journaling pen pushing as you establish and reestablish your boundaries. The prompts above are a great way to get started, but there is so much more personal growth, joy, and exploration to do!

Donā€™t worry, I wonā€™t leave you hanging. While my hiatus was filled with enriching personal productivity, itā€™s time to show the fruits of that labor.

Check back here every Monday to learn more about wellness and the journaling tools you can use to inspire it. If you canā€™t wait a whole week, my Instagram and Pinterest posts more often. Follow both to let the algorithm know you are ready to make your productivity personal.

In the meantime, donā€™t forget that FREE copy of the Balanced Life Blueprint Worksheet. You can use it again and again anytime your. Fill it out now;Ā  journal for productivity. need to jourfill it out 6 months from now. It is the perfect way to watch yourself change in real time. Also, if I do say so myself, it would totally look cute in any office space or vision board. Just saying.

A tablet shows the first page of The Balanced Life Blueprint Worksheet. The image says "get your free copy today".


One last thing, thank you so much for rejoining me on this journaling journey. I wanted to live by what I say in this blog and prioritize my own wellness. Your support through it all has meant the world to me.